Apr 18, 2012

Time Flies

Here is a mass update that is long overdue. We have been having way too much fun to take time to blog lately, so I will give a quick recap of our lives the past couple months.

Quinnie turned 6 months old

and 7 months old. I told I have been terrible at blogging lately.

I missed a post about the annual chili feed. Here are our cooks.

The reptile man came to town. B fell in love.

Branson loves puzzles and he is getting pretty good at doing them by himself. He should be considering the fact that we did this one 20 times a day the first week we had it.

We went to my parent's house after my mom had surgery last month. Josh kept B entertained with activities while I helped out around the house. B's first trip to Chuck E. Cheese was a hit and so was a trip to Cabela's.

Branson didn't want to leave. In the bottom left picture he is telling me "One more minute!" I think I might say that to him a lot... But seriously, who would want to leave this playground. Dirt, sticks, monster trucks...my little boys heaven.

We miss the Weber family living a couple blocks away, but it was a treat to get to meet up with them a couple times on our weekend home.

It is always fun to catch up with Grace and her mommy. We are sad we missed the arrival of Grace's little sister, but can't wait to go back and meet her too. How fun for me that my best friend had daughters a few months on either side of mine.

 Tired boy and daddy after a big weekend of playing.

Play dates for the kids and mommy are always a hit. We had a fun day with the Knopp girls.

 After post poning a couple different times due to sicknesses we finally got to have our Irish dinner.

A couple weeks ago we had 4 different sets of company 6 out of the 7 nights of the week. This meant that our whole family slept in one room. Our kids thought this was pretty great, I walked in one night to find B pretending to be asleep next to his sister. 

Branson loves the shop, he goes there every chance he gets. When Josh is in charge of the kids a trip there is always made.

The sun has finally decided to show it's face, which means lots of hours at the park.

Papa and Mimi's house is always a hit. Especially when toys from when Daddy was a boy are brought out.

What kid needs any toys when they have a daddy to play on.

I think B likes his shirt from Uncle Joel. My Goal...is to be as intelligent and good looking as my uncle!

Stay tuned for another post soon of our action packed weekend.

Apr 12, 2012

Easter Weekend

We get to have Dakota and Blake come over and play once a week while their mommy works. Branson loves Dakota, but still has a hard time sharing with her for too long of time, so I try to come up with activities that they can do together. Last week we dyed Easter Eggs.

Branson loved to organize them and for a couple days the fun colors actually tempted him to eat one or two.

Since the rest of the weekend was booked we had Easter dinner on Friday night. my mom always made us a bunny cake for Easter growing up, We always loved it so I decided to make one for our kids. Josh did the decorating, here is the final product.

Saturday morning we went to the town Easter egg hunt. This is the first year that Branson has participated and WOW was it fun. Tons of kids, tons of eggs, total chaos. Just how we like it.

Quinnie got an egg too.
 It was fun (and a huge help) to have Joel and Sarah be an extra pair of hands.

The next couple of pictures are stolen from Maggie at the Rural Roost. If you have never checked out her blog you should. Especially if you have young kids, you will totally relate to her and the love she has for her kiddos and the experiences they are going through. We are lucky to have them as our neighbors.

Speaking of neighbors...this whole group is our block, see all the kids. Blessed.

 Saturday night went to the Wild game. Before hand we went out to pizza. 
Sister is growing up.

Sarah hooked us up with box seats and we were not disappointed. The kids loved the action, Branson sat on Papa's lap and soaked it all in for the first two periods. After that he was happy to play in back. It ended up being the longest game in Wild history, and we stuck it out till the end only to be disappointed with we lost in double overtime. 

We got a visit from Walt.

Quinnie slept like a champ through it all. Once again so glad to have an extra pair of hands to baby hold.

Easter morning.
Branson keeps pointing out things that came in his Easter basket and saying to me "The Easter Bunny came to my house!" Holidays are getting to be so fun the older he gets.

Quinnie's turn

We are  very behind on blogging, so stayed tuned for more to come. Hopefully soon, since Josh just swung by to take B on a delivery with him. Maybe I can get a few extra things done around here so that I will have time for another post later, that is after I get some quality alone time with my baby girl.