Aug 29, 2011


Branson turned two last week. With another baby expected anytime we didn't really plan anything, but we still managed to celebrate a little.

It was fair weekend here so when Josh got off work we ventured down there.

B and Daddy sharing B's birthday dinner

After a few hours there we went to Papa and Grandma's and had cake with them, Uncles and Auntie. Branson wanted help blowing out his candles, then after Josh blew them out he told him "Good job daddy!"

Once again B was spoiled with toys and attention
Friday night we went back to the fair. B loved the wheat box and loved having papa there to play in it with him.

Josh and I hadn't planned on going to the concert with a 2 year old and possibly a newborn or being in the hospital having one we didn't buy tickets. Then the night of Papa and Grandma switched us places. They took B home with them and we got their tickets. We are spoiled too.
Saturday after nap time we went back down to the fair. We caught the end of the rodeo then B and Dakota got some play time in. They loved the petting zoo,but just sat outside and fed straw to the animals.

After three days of the fair we decided that we needed a low key day to re-coop and calm B down. He had so much fun and is still talking about the lights and the rides. I had to take him on a walk by the fairgrounds today to show him that it was gone until next year.

Now we are just waiting for the little one to arrive. I am now two days over due and baby is just proving to us who is in control already.


Jan said...

Haven't heard a word from any papa's or grandma's so am assuming #2 hasn't made an appearance yet. Hope the heat wave moves on so you can be a little more comfortable.

What a treat to get to be around when this baby comes!


Aunt Jan

Bethany said...

Those nachos look delicious, and yes, Charlie would love to share them with just a few days! Okay, maybe Charlie's mama would too...