Sep 22, 2011

The best laid plans

Last week Bethany and Charlie came to visit. Mom picked them up at the airport and they all three came over to meet baby Quinn. The plan was for us to head back over to Dad and Mom's for the weekend, then I would stay the week with the kids since Kate and Forrest come in tomorrow.

That was the plan. Friday morning Quinn had newborn photos with Pam then Bethany and I packed the kids in the car and headed west. We were feeling so proud of ourselves that with a 2 year old, a one year old and a newborn we only had one short stop to feed Quinn before we got to Puyallup. We decided that we would stop there and do a little shopping. Branson stayed in the car with me to feed Quinn, thankfully we got the feeding in before he started falling out of the side door, when he went to catch himself his had got stuck in the door and he cut himself. 

Everyone except Charlie ended up covered in blood, a trip to the ER, sutures in B's finger quickly brought us back down.

After a weekend of my 2 year old not sleeping and only getting to hold my newborn when I was feeding here, thanks to my needy little guy I decided to head home.

Poor little guy

B saw Daddy put Quinn's giraffe next to her while she was sleeping so the next day he decided to do the same.
Brother sharing his toys


Maggie said...

Oh no! Poor Branson! :( Thinking of you guys...

Unknown said...
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Kim @ The Gab said...

What a big trip! Sorry it was a bit hectic, but glad Branson is doing better.
Love all the pics of baby Quinn...keep them coming.

Auntie Kati said...

Branson is such a good big brother!