Jul 28, 2008

Wedding Week

I spent the week before the wedding at Dad and Mom's preparing for the big day. Lots of wedding pictures to come. Here are a few pictures of some of the work we did the week before the wedding. We still had some final things to finish around the house before we got to work on actual wedding things. Everyone pulled through and we got Ben and Bethany hitched.Holly, Auntie Patty and Forrest helping out in the kitchen. Once again my mom amazed everyone and made all the food and the wedding cake. Thanks to all of her helpers.

Bev and Mom. Thank goodness for friends and relatives that pitched in.

More helpers. Addie and Ellie "Making the coffee."

Holly got them all dirty then gave them to me to clean up.

Ben's family came out on Thursday to start helping. That night after dinner we had some time to relax and enjoy the company.Uncle Dug and Dad representing Washington on the croquet course.

My beautiful sisters and their beautiful nails.

The night before the wedding finishing up the programs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are all my heroes! :)