Sep 2, 2009

Week in Review

Cookie bouquet from cousins Adrian, Sharla and family. So cute and delicious too!

Daddy is Branson's favorite person. He had to go back to work this week, but they still get lots of time together in the evenings.

Grandma came to spend the week. We love having her.We couldn't decide when to introduce a pacifier to him. Then Branson found his thumb.
Branson wins. He just likes to hold this one to his mouth.
Branson in his big boy clothes
Little sweetie taking a nap

We are looking forward to more visitors in the next few days. Great Grandma Florence and cousin Sara will come tomorrow. Then Auntie Kati and Uncle Forrest will come. After that Great Uncle Bruce and Great Aunt Nadine. We can't wait for them all to meet our little guy.

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