Feb 18, 2012


This hasn't been the best year for us. Here is just a taste of what we have been going through. 

I realized the other night that I hadn't taken Quinn's 5 month picture. The reason for that is that we were traveling for my grandpa's funeral the day she turned 5 months old.  So, the next day I got her all situated went to grab the camera and dead battery. I went to get the other battery, dead. Grabbed my phone and noticed a text from my sister. She was being admitted to the hospital. 

I told her that she needed to call mom, it doesn't matter how old we are us girls always call mom. After I got off the phone with her I called mom. We discussed it for a few minutes and between Ruby being born and Grandpa passing away mom has been off of work four out of the last six weeks. "Could I go?" "Yes!"

Here are the 5 month pictures I finally took.

Remember my last post?! Josh and I were never traveling without help?! Well...here goes nothing. I am taking two kids by myself on an airplane.

So, off we go. Josh is dropping us at the airport early in the morning and we will see how this goes. I do have a plan though...I am going to cry. If anyone says anything to me I will cry. Branson realizes now when "mommy is sad" so maybe the crying will work to get him to behave too.

Today my Uncle Mahlon, Auntie Patty and Grandma stopped by. We love having visitors and I got the best advice from him "This too shall pass." I know this is true and in 24 hours I will be in Nashville, snuggling my kiddos and their cousins and visiting with my sister and brother in law. Can't wait!

Just want to leave you with one last picture because I can't get enough of these two.
I love the love developing between these two. It wasn't very long ago that the first thing that happened when Branson woke up was for him to yell "MOMMY!!!" It melts my heart now to hear "QUINNIE! Where are you?!"


Kim @ The Gab said...

Quinn has the cutest smile and looks so happy.
Hope things get better for you soon! Safe travels.

Auntie Bethany said...

I'm glad you are a super hero because flying across the country with two kiddos takes one! Now I may have to fake sick more often to get you to come back so quickly... :)

Dennis and Kathy said...

So, you can chalk the experience of flying solo with two kids 2 and under off your list of life's experiences. Glad you're home and now we await more posts of your darling family!

Maggie said...

Super MOM! I could give myself an anxiety attack just thinking about flying with my two babies. Tell me your secret! :)

Dennis and Kathy said...

So, the symphony staff.... including me.... is waiting for another post; patiently or not so patiently waiting and waiting. Go figure, we're in the performing business and we look to you for entertainment!