Mar 15, 2012


Here are some pictures of our time in Nashville. I am happy to report that the flights went well, with only a little bribing we survived and I am pretty sure we didn't disturb too many people around us. Lots of new apps, toy cars and not as much candy I had anticipated we arrived safe in Nashville.

Now remember, there were 4 kids 2 and under in a small house and the two boys are very busy, so I didn't even get my camera out of the suitcase the whole time we were there. But, here is what we captured on our phones.

I flew in Sunday night. A little weary and my sister, who I was supposed to help, took pity on me and comforted my baby while feeding hers.

We lucked out on the weather, one of the days it was in the 70s. It felt amazing.

During nap time everyday Branson played outside.

Trips to the park were a good way for the boys to burn some energy.

Indoor activities were a bit more challenging.

This was our attempt at water color.

It didn't keep the boy's attention very long.

So...the next day we tried finger painting. Charlie wasn't too sure.

Branson had a heyday! He kept telling me that it was "like lotion!"

Story time. I was hoping that Charlie's love for books would rub off on my son, no such luck. 

Quinn still continues to amaze me. She might be the most laid back baby ever and this is what she did most of the week. Just hang out and chew on whatever toys were in her reach.

The one picture we got of all the kids. 
The boys had just got out of the bath and ran in to terrorize the girls.

Quinnie studying with Uncle Ben

We only ventured out as a group once, our last night to get frozen yogurt.

I am sure I am repeating myself here, but I love the relationships forming between my kiddos and their cousins. 

B kept asking to "Hold two babies." 

He also loved to lay by Ruby

And Charlie loved to sit by Quinn. Whenever we sat her in a chair he would climb up and sit down beside her.

No pictures of the boys together, they were too busy jumping on beds, running around the house as fast ask they could and fighting like they love each other.

All in all a great trip. I am not sure how much of a help we were but it was so good to all be together. Branson is still talking about "Ruby, Charlie, Bethany and Ben." We mostly hear about "Charlie's house" and Ben is now in the list of people that we talk about who go to work.


Dennis and Kathy said...


Auntie Kati said...

You are super mom! And super aunt.