Nov 30, 2011

Everyday Activities

Our lack of posts lately have not been because we have nothing to blog about. Maybe too much has been going on. Josh just finished his whirlwind basketball season.  Twenty games between his two teams in the past three weeks. That includes Thanksgiving break. Josh loves it and I am glad that he gets to make a difference in these kids lives, but I am so thankful it is wrapping up now. It is nice to have my husband back and for the kids to see their daddy.

With the cold weather and daddy gone, it has been my job to come up with indoor activities to keep the kids busy. Well...mostly my active 2 year old. So far we are doing pretty good.

Branson and I made applesauce with apples we got at the cider press. Note: I did make him put his clothes back on after he decided clothes were optional when cooking.

Remember my previous post where Uncle Bruce put B in the apple bins?! Well, this is what I turned around  to find!
Another surprise from my little helper. Can't help but smile.

Branson found a new place to play. The other day I took the clothes out of the dryer and he followed me in the laundry room. After a few minutes I realized he hadn't come out and I walked back in to find this.

As you can tell by the pajamas in the picture below we are on the go from the minute we wake up. One morning I gave him a bowl of beans to count and organize for me

Pretty soon we had every truck he owned and every pan out. And of course his pants off and beans everywhere!

Love the concentration in this picture

We made pumpkin cinnamon rolls. I have such a good helper.

He was a disaster. I was a mess. The kitchen was a  nightmare. We had so much fun.

We play lots of Play Doh

As you can see, we make quite the mess. I spend the majority of my time cleaning up messes from the activities that I have given my son to do. The days we have the most fun are the days that it looks like a tornado hit our home. I think my New Years resolution is going to be to enjoy the time with my kids, mess and all!

Coloring takes up lots of time. Here is the first family portrait that B drew of us. I love it how all kids draw people with just a head and legs. I also love that Quinnie actually got a face. Maybe he loves her after all!

Like I said it is mostly the 2 year old that I have to come up with ideas for. The baby is still pretty easy. She likes to sleep in her chair and is often not too far from all the commotion, but sound asleep. So, thankful that this sweet little one is a sleeper!

She is getting cheeks just like big brother. I love them!

She definitely does not sleep all the time. She is alert and we are loving her sweet personality. Here are a couple things that you would find Quinn doing if you stopped by our place.

Hanging out in the bumbo

Keeping entertained on her play mat

Last weekend was the Apple Cup. Huskies won. We enjoy the rivalry and like watching the game, but we might be the only people in the state with out loyalty to either school.  However, we do enjoy the apparel that rivalry between our families brings to our children. Here is Quinnie in a WSU onsie that Uncle Joel gave to Branson when he was her age.

A not so everyday event, but days I love, are days when Josh takes B to work with him. If Josh has to go on a parts run or make a quick trip to a job sight in a truck he tries to bring B along. Branson loves it, I love the break. Definitely a win/win.

As soon as Daddy pulls up in the truck, B is out the door. Of course he always has a truck in hand.

 Everytime daddy leaves the house B gets his sad face and says "Daddy. Back to work." He also likes telling random people that daddy is at work. The other day the UPS driver delivered a package and informed Branson that his son went to school with B's daddy. Branson informed him "Daddy. Back to work!"
Daddy and B "Back to work."
They sent me a text of a picture of them eating lunch on the job site. The job is at a house on Lake Chelan, they were sitting on the dock. It was beautiful. The water, the blue sky for a minute I was almost jealous. Then I decided to go back to the nap I was taking. Guess I wasn't that jealous!

Definitely not an everyday event, but one I am most excited about it the upcoming arrival of my cousins baby. Holly, Quinn and I made a trip to Woodinville to help shower the mama to be. We ended up going over the night before and got some fun time in a Uncle Steve and Auntie Lori's before the shower.
Meredith, Auntie Lori and Quinnie

Okay! There it is, a quick glimpse into the past few weeks. I hope you are happy people (and by people I mean Mom)! I am going to bed, it is way past my bedtime. Josh is gone playing guitar and the kids are sleeping. I better go to bed before someone decides to put me to work.


Jason, Sarah, Tristan, Wade, and Owen said...

Thanks for the great update! Makes me miss you guys though! What are you doing this weekend? Want to come hang out in Chelan with us??? :)

Dennis and Kathy said...

Yay, I love it when I get my way! I told Dad I had to deliver some holiday decor to you next week so just HAD to make a trip to Waterville... smile... I have to see all this in person. He's on to me of course!

Kari D. said...

I sure hope he had pants on when he was in the apple bin. I can't tell. I don't think I'll be eating the apple sauce when at your house. ;) But now the pumpkin cinnamon rolls, well, that sounds pretty good. Pretty cute little people you have there. Glad Aunt Jan can be around to enjoy them. Take care.